So here is what's going on with Natalie lately:
She weighs 22 lbs 12 oz (about 80th%) and is 28 7/8 inches long (about 445th%).
She still loves raviolis, cereal and puffs. She has learned to eat veggies and fruit again. Thought sometimes she waits to see me eat it first!!
and of course she loves anything sweet!!

She loves to play with dolls and give baby a kiss.

She took her first bubble bath.

She loves playing the xylophone.

She loves laying on Papi.

She LOVES to dance.

She likes to play rough.

She is into everything!

She has found her favorite spot to sit in our house.

She tries to dress herself. And undress!!

She has learned to accessorize! She llove sto walk around with my purse on her shoulder!

She likes to play with blocks and destroy whatever Papi builds.

She built her first block tower!!

She can sit forward facing in the car seat. Definitely a milestone!