We took her to the park for the first time the other day. Needless to say, she had a great time. Here are a few other things she has done for the first time:
- She raises her eyebrows when you raise yours.
- Her favorite thing to do is putting her babies to sleep. She covers them up and pats their back and says night, night! She can do it for ever!! She just does it over and over again!! She covers them up with whatever she can find.
- She can say Gigi, Eww, Yuck, Hi, and she tries to say everything we say.
- She likes to put our change into the water jug where we collect them.
- She has learned to drink from a straw.
- She can now blow kisses.
- For about a week, only a week unfortunately, she slept without a paci. Then, she got sick and was NOT happy so we gave it back to her.