So the Nati went to her 15 month appointment. We were a little late, she was almost 16 months. She got two shots :(
So here is what we found out:
She weighs 22 lbs 9 1/2 oz. (50%) and she is 30 inches in height (45%). We had the hardest time getting her to stand on the scale. WE finally had to move her to the baby scale and it was just as bad. WE were finally able to get her weight.
So, a few things that she has learned. She can point at her nariz (nose), ojos (eyes), ombligo (belly button), pelo (hair), oreja (ear), pie (foot), and boca (mouth). She LOVES to sing and dance. Her favorite song is "If you are happy and you know it clap your hands". She claps and points at her face. She also loves to do the hokey pokey, the wheels on the bus and the itsy, bitsy spider. I am trying to get her to learn some fruits and drinks. Her favorite word is still MAS and NO. She now screams MAMA for me to come and get her out of her crib. Another big thing, she is done with the PACI!! YEY!!! Although we do miss it when she is in the car screaming!!!
She has become a very cuddly baby. She loves to give hugs and kisses. I went on a business trip for four days and I think this was the first time that she noticed that I was gone. She was stuck to me when I got back. It made me SO sad. It's going to be so hard to go out of town again!!
Nati and her big people clothes!