So Nati is two now and she had the greatest birthday weekend. I say weekend because we celebrated from Thursday (her actual bday) to Sunday. She has been signing "happy birthday" to herself for about 1 month and know we can finally REALLY sing to her!!
Thursday was a low key night. Jason and I gave her our presents from us, we had dinner and had some cake. Unfortunately Nati wasn't able to have her birthday party at day care because we had a ice storm warning on Thursday afternoon and we were let off work early. She couldn't have it on Friday because she had to go see Dr. Hayman for her 2 year check up. Everything went great at her check up, she was such a show off for the doctor!! So now Nati weights 27lbs (50%) and her height is 31 inches (40%).
Saturday morning Tita came over to give Nati her presents. She now loves opening presents and has become an expert!! Saturday afternoon was her birthday party. We had a "bounce party" for her at Kazoing! We rented a room that had 5 of those big inflatable bouncers. She and all her friends LOVED it and had a great time. After bouncing for a while we all had cake, snacks and drinks. I heard from everyone that their kids took a good long nap after the birthday party!!
Sunday, Nati got to open more presents. Since she was so tired after her party we decied to keep her presents from her friends until the next morning. After breakfast she opened all the gifts and played!! She got so many awesome gifts. Thanks everyone for coming!! I think we all had a good time!!
Nati first bday present, food for her kitchen

A Hello Kitty bag. She loves pulling my bag whenever I have to go out of town!

Coloring books. Coloring is one of her favorite things to do. S he colors everyday for about 30min!

Nati's new outfit.

Eating her birthday cake. She had such a good time singing and blowing out the candles.

Nati and the snow globe Tita gave her.

Lots More from Tita.

HAHA, Notice she couldn't get her fingers in the gloves correctly.

Nati's birthday cake, "Magenta".

Nati's other birthday cake, "Blue".

Lucia , Cynthia and I made these!!

Nati as Blue.

Nati in her birthday party outfit.

Blue and Mami.

Opening the big gift from Pappaw, Mammaw and Ryan.

Posing in her new outfit from Scott and Jennifer.