The Nata has been a little under the weather recently. We are not sure what was wrong. Every once in a while she would just start screaming and crying! We took her do the doctor and everything was fine and they said that it as probably a little too early for teething. Well, needles to say these past few days have been pretty challenging. Nothing made her happy. Jason took this picture one night that she would not stop crying. I tried everything. She finally cried herself (and me!!) to sleep!!
Not to worry, the Nata is back to her happy self!!

and Congratulations on the house!
You all have lots of exciting events happening. We are looking forward to experiencing the same things shortly...
Talk to you soon.
Mike, Jennifer, and soon to be baby Max
Poor Natalie...and Mommy!
I am glad she is feeling better!
We are so happy for you all on yoru new house!
I can't believe how fast these babies are growing!!!!
Before you know it Stella and Natalie will be in high school...EEK!
Bethany and Stella
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