The Nata had a very busy Halloween. First, on the 30th the day care had trick or treating in the hall. They all came out in their costumes and parents gave them candy. She was a little mad because it was cutting into her breakfast time!! I don't think she was very fond of her costume either. Who wouldn't want to be a big purple dragon!! On the 31st her class had a Halloween party. Papi also came and joined in the fun. They had all sorts of goodies that I would never buy for her at home. A perfect example is cheese balls! She was loving them until she put a whole ball in her mouth and I had to get it out for her to be able to close her mouth! That was the end of the cheese balls. She did have some animal crackers, sugar cookies, fruit bar and fruit puffs. She ate some of everything. I was afraid that she would have a tummy ache by the end of the day.That night Jason had class so Tita and Tia Lucia came over to give out candy and play with the Nati. We put her costume back on and took some more pictures. She was in a CRAZY mood. She was playing and laughing a ton. It must have been all that sugar!! :)
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