OK, so the Nati is doing a lot of new stuff. First of all she has four teeth now. She only had one at 9 months. Needless to say, this has been a hard month for everyone!!
Here are a few things about her that are new:
- She can stand on her own really well and has even taken a small step, only one though, no walking yet.
- She can walk when she holds on to her little car and when she holds on to one of my hands.
- She LOVES to scream.
- She LOVES to eat. Some of her favorites are: Black bean quesadilla, lentils and rice, grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and raviolis with tomato sauce. She also loves all kinds of breads and most fruits.
- She says Mama or Mam when she gets sad or sees me leaving.
- She says Dada and Papa when she is playing.
- Now, when she gets frustrated she makes fists with her hands, clenches her jaw and grunts. It's pretty funny.
- She dances when she hears music.
- She loves to play with boxes of tissues (she likes to pull all the tissues out!).
- She goes HO HO HO like Santa when Jason does it first. It's so cute!!
Eating Black Bean Quesadilla

Mami was bad and gave Nati a taste of a Fudgesicle


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