Ok, so I decided to start this a little late. The Nata is already two months old. So, I figured I should bring you up to speed.
The Nata was born on February 21, 2006 at 10:11 pm at Norton Suburban Hospital. It all went a lot smoother than I expected. I went into labor at 3:30 that morning. I stayed in bed for a while, I really didn't think this was it. It was a week and a half before my due date. I finally got out of bed around 6:30 am and woke Jason up. We both thought I was going through false labor becuase nothing was really progressing. We finally decided we would both go into work, so we got ready. We were about ready to leave for work when we thought it might be best to call my doctor. Of course, they said go to the ER. I felt so stupid. I thought they would tell me I was in false labor and send me back home. Well...I am glad I went in.

She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. was 19 1/2 inches long and had a bunch of black hair and really dark eyes. She was absolutely perfect.

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