Sunday, May 07, 2006

Natalie's 2nd Month

We had a lot of firsts this month. Here are a few I can remember:
1. She found the little bears above her swing.
2. She took a bath with out crying (I figured out I was freezing the poor thing, the water was too cold!!).
3. She had her first day at day care and I went back to work.
4. She started SMILING, not just passing gas anymore!
5. She has started cooing.
6. She rolled over!!!

First day at work was weird. It was very strange leaving Natalie with strangers. Don't feel to bad for me though, she is actually in my building. The building where I work has a day care on the first floor!!I get to see her every three hours becuase I am still nursing. I love being able to see her during the day. I makes it a lot easier to concentrate when I do have to actually work.

We have realized that the Nata is a morning person. We wake up at 5:15 and she is ready to go. She is always smiling and talking. And we are at work by 7 am. I love this schedule because it means that I get off at 3:30.

I can't believe how big she is getting. I love this pic! She looks like a little buddha!

At her 2 month old appointment she weighed 10 lbs 5 oz, was 22 1/4 inches long and her head circumference was 38 1/2 inches. Unfortunately she had to get shots this time. She did great. I think she got more upset when we had to undress her so she could be weighed.

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