Sunday, May 21, 2006

Funky Ear

Jason and I had a bad parent moment the other night. I am sure it wont be the last!! Natalie's ear had a funky smell!! I know it sounds weird, but it's true! We went days without knowing what it was. We asked some of the people at day care and they thought that the smell was coming from her neck. We looked at her neck and it was raw!! And it did kind of stink like milk. We felt so bad that we thought the Nata had something wrong with her ear and the whole time she was just DIRTY. That night we bathed her (which we DO do pertty often) and made sure to clean her neck out really good. The next morning the smell was back. And it was coming from her ear. We decided to call the pediatrician. I felt kind of stupid saying to the nurse "My baby has a stinky ear". I am glad the nurse didn't think it was stupid because she told us to come in. As it turns out the poor Nata had an ear infection and we didn't know. She didn't have a fever and she wasn't fussy so I am not sure how we would have known if we hadn't noticed the smell. I guess we learned a lesson this week, "don't ever let someone else tell you what is normal for a baby if you think there might be something wrong".

I think she is feeling better. The doctor gave us an antibiotic and some ear drops. I am really glad we found this before our trip to Ecuador. We have less than a week left before we travel and we would have not been able to go with a sick Nata.

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