Monday, May 26, 2008

Destin May 2008

We just got back from visiting David, Karina, Pauli and Alisa in Destin. We hadn't seen them in while especially Pauli and Alisa since the last time they were in Louisville was for Thanksgiving and we couldn't get near them since Nati was very sick and very contagious. The bad thing about our trip is that Lucia and Izzy were not able to go. Izzy had to stay in Louisville and get tubes in her ears. Poor baby. Papi couldn't go either because he couldn't miss class. Tita, Tia Cynthia, Mami and Nati drove through the night to get there. It was interesting but we were glad to have the extra time once we got there.

Nati had a great time playing with Pauli. She did EVERYTHING Pauli did. She would yell out PAUUULIIII!! It was hilarious. They played dolls, house, got in the pool, jumped on the trampoline, and colored. We also went to the beach. It was a very busy 5 days but we all had a great time.

We couldn't believe how big Alisa was. She is so cute and shuch a good baby. Next time we see her she will probably be crawling and close to walking!!

Nati on the beginning of out trip. She was asleep within 30 minutes!

Before going to the beach.
Nati would not get on the sand at first.
Luckily she got over that!!
Tita and Alisa.
Bath after the beach.
Alisa trying to crawl.
Going shopping.
WE tried to get a good picture of all three but it was harder than we thought.

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