Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Few Funny Stories

So, during Easter Sunday, Sam had on his little blue and white booties. When Natalie heard me say booties, she said "Oh, Mami, you said a bad word". Now, how do I explain to a three year old the difference between booty and booties!!

Natalie came home one day when I was in Denver and called Jason "idiot" which she got time out for. The funny thing is that whom ever she heard it from she heard it incorrectly and was saying "pidiot". I'm sure Jason first laughed and then sent her to time out!

We were having our floors redone this week. The first day that they were working we told Natalie what they were doing and that we were getting new floors and the house would be a little messy for a few days. When she walked in the door, she saw the subfloor since they had removed the kitchen floor and carpet and she said "the new floors are so beautiful!!" HAHA! Talk about low expectations!! Oh, I love her so much!!

Natalie's beautiful floors.

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