Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Christmas 2009

WOW! What a Christmas this was. It seemed to creep up on us really fast this year. I guess the lack of sleep from Sam really affected us! Anyways, we were preparing until the last minute! I think Natalie had a great time, we did!!

Trying to get a family picture at Lucia's was pretty impossible. Sam didn't know what to think of all the craziness and Natalie could not contain her excitement. I wonder why? we had already made cookies for Santa earlier and left out some reindeer food.

Natalie and Izzy. They are so excited!
Little Brother and Mami. Can you tell that Sam loves the camera?
Christmas morning. Natalie looked in her stocking first. This is the first year that Santa filled stockings at home!
Sam not knowing what to think.
New books!
WOW. Sam loved the dump truck!
Chutes and Ladders for all of us to play together. Santa is really smart!
All the princesses in one box!! What a present!! can't get much better than this!
Mami and Papi's present to the kids, a semi finished area in the basement with a train table, toys, table, kitchen and TV.
Natalie laying on her new bean bag, ready to watch a movie. She loves the basement. For the first three days she was down there constantly. Playing, watching movies, coloring. She even asked us to turn off the light because she could see the movie better that way. HAHA! she is so funny! Merry Christmas Princess!
Santa at Tita's!

New tradition at Tita's this year, pajama day! absolutely love it! Natalie opening one of Izzy's gifts to her a cute picture of the two of them. Love this picture. They are just adorable together.
From Tio Boo and Tia Karina! Jasmine!
New scarf and hat from Tia Cynthia.
Back at our house opening presents with Nana. Fancy Nancy is always a hit. In this book Fancy Nancy gets a dog, Frenchie.

At Papaw and Mamaw's. Sam is keeping up with Natalie's tradition of ALWAYS playing with the snow globes. The kids with Mamaw Lyvers.
Natalie and Santa. HAHA! She loved this!

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